George Maronidis, Managing Partner, gave speech on combined transport procedures and relevant institutional framework at the Greek – Turkish chamber of northern Greece Conference, held at the Professional Chamber of Thessaloniki with topic “Easier – safer & less expensive (more profitable) co- operation between Greece and Turkey within the context of combined transport”. The purpose […]
Decision 37/2015 of the Piraeus Court of Appeal, published in Piraeus Law Journal 4/2015.
George Maronidis, Managing Partner, represented a shipping carrier in this case. This decision dealt with a case where the maritime carrier has supplied a shipping container to a merchant and the shipping container has been used beyond the time agreed. In such cases the question arises in an increasing number of maritime carriage contracts whether […]
Triantafyllos Stavrakidis, Of Counsel, “Defective resolutions of the Board of Directors of a Société Anonyme” (Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2015)
The focal subject of this book is to deal with the issue of nullification of resolutions of the board of directors. Under Greek company law, there is no specific regulation on how to treat board decisions that may result for example from an irregular composition of the board or from the breach of directors’ information […]